The New Normal

The new normal includes looking after employees' mental wellness.  The Spot-It™ solution provides your team members with a practical tool they can use in-the-moment when faced with stress-inducing situations.  With a simple, straightforward launch plan, your team members will be speaking Spot-It™ before you know it!

A Solution that Works!

Amazingly, Dr. Low's 4-Step Method has been helping people all over the world for decades which is why we are so excited to bring it to workplace professionals.

Spot-It™ helps employees combat stress and anxiety on the spot by suggesting ways to reframe and respond to situations.  And because the Method can be practiced with colleagues, workplace cultures become less critical and more supportive when everyone learns how to "Speak Spot-It".  

Our comprehensive digital platform puts this practical solution right at your employee's finger tips - including a portal to a vibrant community that includes live events where people practice the 4-Step Method together.   

The Method and the app are a powerful combination!



Mental Un-Wellness Results in Higher Rates of Absentism, Turnover and Health Care Costs -- 
Not to Mention Employee Quality of Life.


A Culture that Supports Wellness

Creating a culture that guides and educates employees in effectively managing their emotional well-being is a win-win for both employers and employees. 

Implementing a workplace wellness program results in employees who are less stressed, more productive, and who are more likely to stay. 

Smart Financial Sense

Springbuk's Employee Health Trends 2020 Report states that "The average monthly cost for an employee with a mental health condition is twice that of a member without a mental health condition."

Strategies that seek to measurably improve employee wellness can help to mitigate future claim risk, saving the company a considerable amount of money.   

Your Partner for Wellness in the Workplace

A Solution's Checklist

  • Convenient for employees to use
  • Fosters Emotional Intelligence
  • Improves workplace performance 
  • Helps to attract and retain top talent
  • High-tech (app) and high-touch (live events)
  • Scalable & accessible
  • Turn-key & affordable
  • Clinically proven to reduce the symptoms of stress
  • Potential decrease in Benefit outlay on medical spending 
Provides Return on Investment 

Less Absenteeism & Presenteeism 

Are your team members calling out because they need Mental Health days? Or, are they clocking in but are not really present?   

Spot-It™ uses a proven, time-tested 4-step approach that aids team members in identifying and replacing fearful thoughts with more "secure" thoughts.  This technique can be utilized in-the-moment to help employees feel better fast so they can return their focus to accomplishing the job at hand.   

Over time, Spot-It™ increases the emotional intelligence of your entire workforce by upgrading their social and emotional interactions.


"What I liked about Spot-It™ is that it made me see how so much of stress and anxiety is about anger and fear. I loved the part about the 'dimmer switch' and how I can choose to turn my stress-levels down."

- G. Garcia, Team Member

"What makes the Spot-It solution standout?  It's emotionally safe & emotionally intelligent! Emotionally safe work environments are higher performing. Emotionally intelligent team members are compassionate, caring and collaborative. The Spot-It method fosters both emotionally safe cultures & emotionally intelligent team members."

- Catherine Bird, HR Executive

Join the ever growing number of workplaces who can proudly say, "Spot-It™ is Spoken Here!"